As our courses are funded by UK government, there are eligibility rules that are there to ensure the money is being spent where it is needed. They consist of three main criteria; employment status, residency and age. We are only able to support people that meet this criteria. Please don't be disappointed with us if you do not, as we do not set the rules.
Before proceeding with the course we will ask you for Employment evidence, such as benefits payments or wage slips, and ID such as passport or driving licence. Don't worry if you don't have ID we can usually work something out.
Employment Status
The main employment status are:
Unemployed, you can be receiving benefits or not.
Employed, earning less than £25,000 per year (£480 per week).
Self Employed, earning less than £25,000 per year (£480 per week).
The main residency statuses are:
UK Citizen, living in EU/UK for the last three years.
EU Citizen with UK settlement status, living in EU/UK for the last three years.
Non UK/EU Citizen with appropriate visa.
Ukrainian Citizen
Refugee / Asylum Seeker
You must be born before
31st August 2005